The Journey From Lanka To Ayodhya: Rama's Sacred Pilgrimage

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In the timeless epic of the Ramayana, Rama's return journey from Lanka to Ayodhya becomes a sacred pilgrimage, and his journey leaves an enduring mark of devotion and divinity at every step.

Characters in the story:

Lord Rama: Lord Rama is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism and is the seventh avataar of Lord Vishnu. He is known for his virtues of righteousness, courage, and devotion, and is considered a symbol of ideal human behavior and the victory of good over evil.

Mata Sita: Mata Sita is the wife of Lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. She is regarded as an epitome of feminine virtues and is worshipped as a goddess by many.

Hanuman: Hanuman is a revered deity in Hinduism, known for his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama and his incredible strength, symbolizing courage, loyalty, and selflessness.

Maharishi Valmiki: Maharishi Valmiki is a revered ancient sage and author of the Hindu epic Ramayana. He is considered the adi-kavi, the first poet or the “primordial poet” in Sanskrit literature, dance, with a third eye, a serpent around his neck, and a trident in his hand.

Rishi Agastya: Rishi Agastya is a revered sage in Hindu scriptures known for his immense knowledge and wisdom. He is considered to be one of the Saptarishis (seven great sages) and is associated with the Rigveda and various other texts.

Mata Anjana: Mata Anjana is a female celestial being, known as an apsara, and is most commonly recognized as the mother of Lord Hanuman.

Rishi Bharadvaja: Rishi Bharadvaja is one of the revered Vedic sages who is a renowned scholar, economist, grammarian, physician, and a follower of Maha Pashupata. He is one of the Saptarishis.

As Rama embarked on his exile, dutifully honoring his father’s command, his journey took on a profound sense of sanctity. It transcended mere homage to his devotees; it became a pilgrimage marked by blessings imparted over countless miles of travel. The return voyage from Lanka to Ayodhya held equal significance, mirroring the enduring impact of his exile on the hearts of his devotees and cherished ones. 

To this day, these places, imbued with the timeless memories of Rama and Mata Sita, stand as sacred centers, harking back to the Treta Yug.

Gandhamadhan Mountain

Rama held great reverence for Rishi Agastya, and their bond was exceptional. Following Rishi Agastya’s counsel, Rama paused at Gandhamadhan Mountain to atone for the sin of Brahmahatya, committed in slaying Ravan. It was here that Rama worshipped Bhagwan Shiv, with Mata Sita herself preparing the sacred Shivling. Even today, this temple stands as a testament to this sacred pilgrimage spot, with inscriptions bearing witness to its significance.

Kishkinda – Hampi

As Rama journeyed, he showed Mata Sita all the places where he had halted during his quest for her. Upon reaching Kishkinda, Mata Sita felt a surge of joy and requested Rama to bring Tara, Ruma, and all the royal ladies of Kishkinda to Ayodhya for his coronation. Rama ordered the Pushpak to halt, and they welcomed all the royal ladies of Kishkinda on their journey to Ayodhya.


When Hanuman guided Rama to his birthplace, Kachangiri, Rama expressed a deep desire to pay homage to Mata Anjana, who had resided there. Rama, along with Mata Sita, Lakshman, and Hanuman, graciously accepted the hospitality of Mata Anjana. They sought her blessings before continuing their journey to Ayodhya.


Legend has it that Rama and Mata Sita wished to pause at Panchavati, near Rishi Agastya’s ashram, to pay their respects to the revered sage. However, according to Maharshi Valmiki, Rama, consumed by worry for Bharat, merely requested the Pushpak to slow down in the air. Rishi Agastya blessed them from his ashram.


From Panchavati, Rama proceeded directly to Chitrakut, where he sought blessings from the Rishis he had served during his stay. He rested in Chitrakut for a while before continuing towards Ayodhya. The trees under which Rama and Mata Sita had rested are revered to this day for the divine aura they created.

Prayag – Rishi Bhardwaj Ashram

Just as Rama, Mata Sita, and Lakshman sought Rishi Bhardwaj’s blessings before beginning their exile, they visited the pious sage again upon completing their journey. From this place, Rama dispatched Hanuman to Nandigram to inform Bharat of his return. Rama spent time with Rishi Bhardwaj and offered prayers at the holy Prayagraj.


After receiving Rishi Bhardwaj’s blessings, Rama fulfilled his promise to his childhood friend Nishad Raj Guh by visiting Sringaverpur. Mata Sita offered her prayers to the sacred River Ganga and sought her blessings. The entourage then proceeded to Nandigram, where Bharat welcomed them warmly.

Rama’s sacred journey, filled with blessings and devotion, forever etched a divine path in the hearts of his devotees. Each pilgrimage spot, from Gandhamadhan Mountain to Sringaverpur, resonates with his timeless presence, a testament to the enduring faith that guides those who follow in his footsteps.


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